Campus News

Obasi appointed to serve on editorial board

Obasi to serve on Journal of Counseling Psychology editorial board

Athens, Ga. – University of Georgia counseling psychology professor Ezemenari Obasi has been appointed to serve on the editorial board of the Journal of Counseling Psychology.

Obasi, an assistant professor in the College of Education’s department of counseling and human development services, has also served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Black Psychology, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, and Training and Education in Professional Psychology.

“The Journal of Counseling Psychology is known as the premier outlet for rigorous empirical work in the field of counseling psychology,” said Edward Delgado-Romero, an associate professor and director of UGA’s counseling psychology training program. “Being on the JCP [board] is to join a ‘Who’s Who’ of prominent researchers in counseling psychology. This is a real tribute to Dr. Obasi’s rigorous research and growing reputation in the field.”

Prior to joining the UGA faculty, Obasi spent three years on the faculty at Southern Illinois University. He completed his pre-doctoral internship at Harvard Medical School: McLean Hospital. He earned his Ph.D. in psychology from The Ohio State University in 2005.

The Journal of Counseling Psychology publishes empirical research in the areas of counseling activities, career development and vocational psychology, diversity and underrepresented populations in relation to counseling activities, the development of new measures to be used in counseling activities, and professional issues in counseling psychology. The board consists of one editor, four associate editors, and sixty consulting editors.