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Sara Chamberlain


Sara Chamberlain

Sara Chamberlain, a senior majoring in marketing and theatre, says the “choice was clear” to attend UGA, and from the classroom to the stage, she’s made the most of her opportunities.


Cumming, Ga.

High School:

South Forsyth High School

Degree objective:

B.B.A. in marketing with an emphasis in digital marketing, B.A. in theatre

Expected graduation:

Spring 2015

University highlights, achievements, awards and scholarships:

My time here at UGA has been filled with a wide range of activities and classes. Outside of class I am usually involved in the performing arts. I have enjoyed performing with University Theatre in the shows “Chicago,” “Under Construction,” “Pride and Prejudice” and “Spring Awakening,” and I have also had the pleasure of performing with various student groups in dance and musical theatre. If I am not performing, often I will be involved with creating and teaching choreography for an upcoming show.

Outside of shows, I am involved in many activities. Currently, I am serving as a student representative on the Arts Council, where we are actively planning this year’s Spotlight on the Arts festival. I have also enjoyed the different jobs I’ve had with UGA. In my sophomore year, I worked as a tutor at Barnett Shoals Elementary School helping kids read and build on their classroom activities with fun games. One summer I worked with Bulldog Bucks, speaking at orientation sessions to new students and their parents. Currently I work for the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, where I manage the social media accounts and help keep the website current as we organize and publicize various events on and off campus.

Through my years at UGA, I am proud to say that I’ve kept my GPA high and made the dean’s list consistently. I am an Honors student and a Zell Miller Scholarship recipient. I am also proud to have been named one of UGA’s Top 100 Student Employees last year.

Current Employment:

Willson Center for Humanities and Arts

Family Ties to UGA:

My twin sister and I are both students here, but neither of our parents went to UGA. Our mom went to Georgia Southern, and our father went to Georgia Tech. They are both proud that my sister and I are here, although we do have some family rivalry when the Dawgs play against Georgia Tech.

I chose to attend UGA because…

Admission to the Honors Program and receiving the Zell Miller Scholarship were important factors in my choice, but I chose to attend UGA because this enormous school would allow me to pursue both theatre and business at a high level. I had considered other schools, but ultimately UGA offers so many courses, degrees and extracurricular activities that the choice was clear.

My favorite things to do on campus are…

When the weather is nice, I like finding a sunny spot outside to read or just relax.

When I have free time, I like…

I have very little free time during the semester because I am involved in so many things, and I am happy to sacrifice my free time to do all the things I want to be doing. When I do find myself with some free time I enjoy taking dance classes, singing or playing violin.

The craziest thing I’ve done is…

… enroll in a robotics in performance course in the theatre department this semester. The course combines students with amazingly diverse backgrounds. Not only does the course combine undergraduates and graduate students, but it also brings together students who know computer programming, performance, dramatic media, education and more. Ultimately, we plan to create a show with these robots and tour the show to various elementary schools.

My favorite place to study is…

… the fourth floor of the Miller Learning Center. It is so quiet up there, and everyone is so focused.

My favorite professor is…

I do not have a single favorite professor, but I definitely recognize when a professor will be great in the course. The best professors I’ve had are really passionate about their courses, and that passion makes even the most difficult material more interesting and easier to learn. These professors can break down really complicated concepts and are really attentive to their students.

If I could share an afternoon with anyone, I would love to share it with…

… Meryl Streep or Queen Elizabeth.

If I knew I could not fail, I would…

… have a successful consulting business, perform in a Broadway show, learn how to do a quadruple pirouette, find a cure for cancer and learn as many languages as possible.

If money was not a consideration, I would love to…

… travel all over the world. It would be great to see how people around the world live and experience different food, languages and cultures.

After graduation, I plan to…

My plans for after graduation are not set quite yet, but I plan to use the wide range of skills I’ve gained from work experience, internships, and business and theatre to help people in some way or teach them something new.

The one UGA experience I will always remember will be…

I will always remember when I woke up on my first UGA football game day and saw the crowds. I lived in Myers Hall then, and when I looked out the window on Myers quadrangle, there were so many people that you could not see the grass for all the red and black. I had known that UGA fans were really dedicated, but that was the first time I realized just how passionate students and alumni are about football and the university.

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