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Emeritus ecology faculty member testifies before Congress about Clean Water Act

Judy Meyer, ecology professor emerita, recently testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment in support of H.R. 2421, a bill that would remove the word “navigable” from the current Clean Water Act.

Meyer has conducted extensive research on streams for three decades and stressed the importance of keeping the nation’s streams clean. Her testimony included recent research showing that more than half of the water in large rivers in the northeastern U.S. is from headwater streams.

“The scientific evidence is clear that small streams and wetlands must be protected if we are to reach the goals of the Clean Water Act,” said Meyer. “The mighty river cannot be protected without also protecting the small stream.”

Non-navigable water sources such as headwater streams and tributaries also must be covered by the Clean Water Act to protect the sources that are navigable.
At present, H.R. 2421 remains with the House Subcommittee, and Meyer is hopeful it will be brought forth for a vote in the near future.

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