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One hundred twenty seven UGA employees retired Dec. 1. Retirees, their job classification, department and length of employment are: 

Lewis R. Allen, clinical associate professor, elementary and social studies education, 23 years/5 months; Jennie C. Alvernaz, research professional I, Center for Applied Genetic Technologies, 21 years/1 month; Elvin L. Andrews, public service associate, Cooperative Extension-Southwest District, 18 years/9 months; Virginia S. Anthony, administrative associate II, University Testing Services, 22 years/8 months; Nancy L. Autry, business manager II, Environmental Safety Division, 22 years/10 months; John Ayoob, assistant vice president, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, 26 years/4 months; Kathy M. Bakane, business manager III, cellular biology, 24 years/9 months; Michael L. Barrett, communications production manager, Office of Public Affairs, 33 years/1 month; Judy C. Baxter, administrative specialist I, Administrative Services Division, 26 years/3 months; Phyllis Ann Beaven, administrative specialist I, Office of the Assistant Dean for the Griffin campus, 10 years/3 months; Thomas A. Beggs, instructional resources coordinator, Center for Teaching and Learning, 21 years/5 months; Wanda Lynn Berryman, business manager II, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, 27 years/11 months; Lorene Williams Blackburn, county secretary, Cooperative Extension-Southeast District, 37 years/5 months; Marie Brame, administrative associate II, Georgia Center: Conference and Event Planning, 28 years/3 months; Bernard Brantley, graphics supervisor, Facilities Management Division-Sign Shop, 33 years/3 months; James E. Brazil, research technician III, Central Georgia Research and Education Center, 36 years/6 months; Nancy B. Breme, event coordinator, Georgia Center: Conference and Event Planning, 33 years/4 months; Deborah C. Bridges, development associate, Office of Development, 17 years/3 months; Mary Nell Burger, business manager I, comparative literature, 13 years/1 month; Kathleen M. Burggraf, administrative manager II, Office of the Vice President for Research, 31 years/9 months; Charlene D. Carpenter, administrative associate II, Cooperative Extension-4-H Youth Program, 35 years/2 months; Suzanne D. Caruso, program specialist II, Hugh Hodgson School of Music, 22 years/2 months; Sara B. Cates, administrative associate I, Office of the Assistant Dean for the Tifton campus, 12 years/2 months; Joanne S. Cavis, senior public service associate, Cooperative Extension-Northwest District, 32 years/8 months; Clifford Michael Chalker, senior parking services monitor, North Campus Parking Deck, 15 years/7 months; Janet M. Chandler, accountant, chemistry, 27 years/5 months; Trudy T. Christopher, public service assistant, Cooperative Extension-Northwest District, 27 years/4 months; William R. Clayton Jr., librarian IV, libraries-general operations, 35 years/4 months; Henry H. Cobb III, clinical professor, clinical and administrative pharmacy, 36 years/5 months; Linda L. Condon, retail food sales manager I, Georgia Center: Auxiliary Operations-Food Services, 14 years/9 months; Joe D. Covert, grounds keeper III, grounds landscaping, 24 years/1 month; Kenneth M. Cowart, sanitation foreman, sanitation services, 23 years/4 months; Lari M. Cowgill, director, Education Resource Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, 33 years/5 months; Richard F. Daniels, professor, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources,  14 years/5 months;  Emily E. Davis, program coordinator II, Fanning Institute, 14 years/4 months; Elaine Rene Deason, administrative associate II, recreational sports, 10 years/3 months; Patricia A. Duncan, animal caretaker II, population health, 26 years/5 months; James Epperson, professor, agricultural and applied -economics, 35 years/2 months; Bonnie D. Evans, research professional I, plant pathology research—Tifton, 38 years/2 months; Mary T. Evans, administrative specialist II, Dean’ Office—Terry College of Business, 33 years/8 months; Carolyn C. Faust, administrative assistant II, Division of Academic Enhancement, 37 years/9 months; Linda K. Fields, associate accountant, Office of Campus Life, 27 years/6 months; Jonathan W. Fox Jr., fleet manager, Facilities Management Division-Services Department, 22 years/11 months; Cathy C. Frosh, senior accountant, kinesiology, 11 years; William Anderson Furlow Jr., information technology manager, academic planning, 26 years; Joseph C. Garner, research station superintendent, Mountain Research and Education Center, 26 years/4 months; Marlene A. Gillman, county secretary, Cooperative Extension-Northwest District, 12 years/8 months; Linda M. Grant, professor, sociology, 27 years/5 months; Johnny Griffith, skilled trades worker, Cooperative Extension-4-H Youth Program, 40 years/5 months; Peggy J. Gulledge, county secretary, Cooperative Extension-Southwest District, 29 years/6 months; Sharron S. Hannon, public relations director, Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, 23 years/3 months; Gail M. Hanula, senior public service associate, Cooperative Extension-Family and Consumer Sciences, 20 years/5 months; David L. Hardman, HVAC/refrigeration mechanic, Refrigeration Shop, 28 years/5 months; Robert Harris Jr., building services worker II, Building Services second shift, 25 years/10 months; Audrey W. Hawkins, administrative assistant II, geography, 30 years/8 months; Frances Yvonne Herin, academic advisor II, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences-Dean’s Office, 11 years/10 months; Deborah L. Holliday, data management specialist III, academic planning, 30 years/3 months; Arthur M. Horne, dean, College of Education, 23 years/2 months; Jacquelyn A. Houston, library associate III, libraries-general operations, 28 years/9 months; Chung-Liang Huang, professor, agricultural and applied economics, 36 years/1 month; Marilyn D. Huff-Waller, administrative associate I, Cooperative Extension-Family and Consumer Sciences, 30 years/3 months; Cynthia G. Huff, business manager I, large animal medicine, 27 years/3 months; Dolores H. Hughes, associate accountant, Athletic Association, 12 years/7 months; Rita C. Hutchins, program coordinator II, biochemistry and molecular biology, 25 years/10 months; Randy H. Jackson, herdskeeper II, Swine Research Center, 26 years/7 months; Brenda D. Jennings, county secretary, Cooperative Extension-Southwest District, 20 years/10 months; J. Donald Jennings, structural maintenance foreman, Carpenter Shop, 27 years/7 months; Bobby Johnson, building services supervisor, residence halls facilities administration, 32 years/9 months; Betty L. Jones, administrative assistant II, State Botanical Garden, 16 years; Patricia L. Jordan, catering manager, Georgia Center: Auxiliary Operations-Food Services, 29 years/5 months; Patricia L. Kalivoda, senior public service associate, Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, 20 years; Kim Lori Kelley, senior budget analyst, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences-Dean’s Office, 31 years/3 months; Dennis W. Kinzey, trades helper, grounds maintenance, 26 years/6 months; S. Kirby Lavender, BSL maintenance technician II, Plumbing Shop, 28 years/10 months; Gail F. Lebengood, administrative specialist II, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, 3 years/10 months; Betty L. Loggins, building services worker II, Building Services-North Campus, 20 years; Gail G. Lopes, HR senior managing consultant, Office of Human Resources, 16 years/11 months; Donna Y. Lord, accountant, -genetics, 20 years/1 month; Janice B. Lunsford, student affairs professional III, genetics, 26 years/10 months; M. Page Luttrell, research professional III, Wildlife Disease Study, 23 years/4 months; Larry S. Marable, bus operator, Campus Transit System, 12 years/1 month; Ella R. Mathis, building services worker II, Building Services-South Campus, 17 years/4 months; E. Teresa Mattox, administrative manager II, Office of the Vice President for Research, 21 years/8 months; Jan M. Mazzucco, department manager, advancement services: gift/alumni information management, 28 years/1 month; Marcia J. McDonald, library associate II, libraries-general operations, 25 years/2 months; George Dennis McElhannon, fire safety inspector, Environmental Safety Division, 21 years/9 months; Sandra J. McNeill, business manager I, Cooperative Extension-plant pathology—Tifton, 33 years/4 months; Wanda Gail Meadow, lab/research technician I, biochemistry and molecular biology, 28 years/7 months; Larry W. Millard, professor, art, 36 years/3 months; Elaine K. Mitchell, assistant to the dean, School of Law, 29 years/2 months; Carolyn Morrill, administrative manager II, Center for Applied Isotope Study, 34 years/4 months; Mary Ann Morrow, -administrative assistant II, Cooperative Extension-Family and Consumer Sciences, 26 years/4 months; Reginald L. Moss, academic advisor III, Terry College of Business-Dean’s Office, 21 years/5 months; William F. Nelson, instructional technology systems professional principal, Center for Teaching and Learning, 32 years/11 months; David Noah, academic professional associate, Center for Teaching and Learning, 8 years/3 months; John E. Noakes, director, Center for Applied Isotope Study, 44 years/3 months; Jane G. Noe, research professional II, infectious diseases, 25 years/2 months; Pamela G. Page, dental assistant, University Health Center, 23 years/2 months; Marlene C. Pendergrass, county secretary, Cooperative Extension-Northeast District, 16 years/4 months; Merryll S. Penson, executive director, libraries-general operations, 28 years/8 months; Darrell Lee Rainey, digital media professional principal, EITS-client services and system administration, 30 years/6 months; Anna V.A. Resurreccion, professor, food science and technology, 29 years/1 month; John W. Rheney Jr., research professional IV, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, 32 years; Elizabeth A. Richardson, electron -microscopy lab coordinator, plant biology, 26 years/2 months; Etta L. Roberts, administrative assistant II, mathematics and science education, 20 years/3 months; Mary Ann Robinson, program specialist II, Cooperative Extension-Family and Consumer Sciences, 10 years; Kimberly Q. Rogers, senior sales manager, Georgia Center: Sales and Marketing, 15 years/6 months; Donna L. Ross, administrative associate I, agricultural and applied economics, 11 years/8 months; Ebbie Timothy Ross, research station superintendent, field research services-Tifton campus, 32 years/9 months; Mary E. Rugg, public service associate, Institute on Human Development and -Disability, 28 years/3 months; Leonard O. Sanders, brick mason, Mason Shop, 14 years/6 months; Ann C. Saye, administrative specialist II, Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, 28 years/5 months; Patricia A. Schroder, research professional II, small animal medicine/surgery, 28 years/4 months; Lydia J. Shearer, administrative manager II, -Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, 29 years/3 months; Kathy H. Shelnutt, assistant to the dean, College of Public Health, 34 years/3 months; Jerry P. Sims Jr., public service assistant, Small Business Development Center, 12 years/1 month; Susan D. Smith, administrative associate II, College of Pharmacy, 28 years/3 months; Vanessa Williams Smith, assistant director, Office of Institutional Diversity, 28 years/2 months; Jean C. Snow, systems administrator principal, EITS-client service and system administration, 26 years/2 months; William J. Spruill, professor, clinical and -administrative pharmacy, 31 years/4 months; Samuel L. Stephens Jr., research professional I, plant pathology research-Griffin, 34 years/4 months; George W. Stone, herdskeeper II, animal sciences research-Tifton, 24 years/10 months; Bruce M. Tucker, research technician III, horticulture research—Tifton, 27 years/2 months; Randal L. Walker, director, Marine Extension Service, 19 years/5 months; Teresa Wells, academic advisor III, School of Social Work, 17 years/10 months; Judy J. Wilson, senior event coordinator, Carl Vinson Institute of Government, 26 years/1 month; and Rosemary Margaret Wood, student affairs professional IV, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, 22 years/9 months.

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