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Documentary and discussion with filmmaker will explore the roots of hate and conflict

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia Office of the Dean of Students will host a showing of the documentary “The Anatomy of Hate: A Dialogue to Hope” on March 27 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 102 of the Miller Learning Center. A discussion with the filmmaker will follow the film.

“The Anatomy of Hate” looks at the shared narratives found in individual and collective ideologies of hate and how to overcome them. For six years, filmmaker Mike Ramsdell worked with unprecedented access to some of the most venomous ideologies and violent conflicts of current time, including the white supremacist movement, Christian Fundamentalism as an anti-gay platform, Muslim extremism and the conflict between Israeli settlers/soldiers and the Palestinian Intifada.

The film includes interviews with leading sociological, psychological and neurological experts and intersperses stories of redemption told by former “combatants.”

After the screening, Ramsdell will discuss the emotional and biological mechanisms that make people susceptible to acts and ideologies of hate and how these very same traits make them equally capable of overcoming them.

“More than anything, I believe, it is dialogue that will move us past the barriers of fear, cultural conditioning, and stereotype thinking and into an understanding aligned with the eternal truth that we are all one,” he said. “It is my highest vision that this film, and its core concepts, will serve as a catalyst for that dialogue.”

The event is co-sponsored by the LGBT Resource Center, Multicultural Services and Programs and the University Union Student Programming Board.

Admission is free for the campus community and no tickets are required. The program is a Blue Card event for UGA students.

For more information, call 706/542-4077 or see



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