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EITS offers virtual private network

Information Security, an office within Enterprise Information Technology Services, announces the availability of a virtual private network to UGA faculty and staff.

“VPNs provide security and accessibility,” says Stan Gatewood, UGA’s chief information security officer. “VPNs encrypt information between the desktop computer and its destination while enabling remotely located computers to function as if they are part of the UGA campus network from anywhere in the world.”

Complete instructions for accessing the VPN are available at

Special software is required for VPN access (available free from the VPN information page with a valid UGA MyID). A VPN account, also required, can be requested through a Web form accessible on the VPN information page.

“An enterprise VPN solution is a significant step toward realizing our information security goals,” says Gatewood. “We are in the process of building a self-defending network, adding one more layer in the defense-in-depth layered security architecture.”

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