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Exercise can help reduce stress and boost spirit during holiday season

Here are some tips and advice from UGA Cooperative Extension’s Walk Georgia program that will help you keep a healthy routine throughout the holidays.

• Take 30 minutes in between errands and take a walk in the brisk winter air or go for a short jog. Short bursts of exercise can give you energy when you’re about to crash. It also produces those much-needed endorphins that can help jump-start that holiday spirit. A little exercise can have mood boosting effects, lasting well past the holiday season.

• Instead of grabbing one of those holiday cookies your neighbors made for you every time you walk into your kitchen, take them to work and share them with your co-workers. It will make you feel better about your eating habits and popular around the office.

• Balance is key when it comes to the holidays. Too much of anything, whether presents or food, can become problematic.

• After the holidays, make a list of health and exercise goals for the next year and try to stick to it. Trying not to break New Year’s resolutions is something we all struggle with, but remind yourself daily that you will look and feel better by sticking with it.

For more advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, visit

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