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Grady half-day conference to explore research topics in media, culture

Departments and units across UGA are collaborating on a half-day conference to expand interdisciplinary research collaboration on issues of media, communication, culture and representation. “Making Ends Meet: Interpretive/Critical Research across the University on Media, Communication, Culture and Representation” will be held March 26 from 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Tate Student Center.

Instead of complete papers or formal research presentations, sessions will be built around problems/phenomena related to the theme of the conference. Those whose proposals are accepted will be expected to facilitate an open-ended group discussion.

Registration is free, but limited to graduate students, and comes with free breakfast, coffee/tea breaks and lunch, as well as a notebook and other conference materials. Registration is available online at until March 12, or until the limit of 50 participants is reached.

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