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Tate Izlar


Tate Izlar

After Tate Izlar transferred to UGA, she quickly became immersed in much that the university has to offer. Since the spring of 2003, Tate has been a member of the Arch Society which has provided an outlet for her many talents. She is able to share her love for UGA with prospective students as she works at the Visitor’s Center also. She is an active member of Sigma Kappa sorority. After the completion of her summer internship with state congressman Mac Collins last year, Tate is planning to enter the world of politics either as a lobbyist or to pursue her own political goals following graduation in May 2005.


Snellville, GA

High School:

Shiloh High School

Degree objective:

B.A. in political science and A.B.J. in telecommunication arts

Expected graduation:

May 2005

University highlights, achievements, awards and scholarships:

Upon transferring to UGA I made it a point to get involved and not waste anytime giving back to such a great place. I am a member of Sigma Kappa Sorority. I have had the great honor of being a member of The Arch Society for the past 2 years serving on the Executive Board as secretary and now vice chairman of assignments. I participated in the 2003-2004 Leadership UGA program. Also, I get to ‘sell’ the University to students as a member of the Georgia Recruitment Team. Last spring, I was inducted into the Blue Key National Honor Society. This is truly an honor. This summer I had the great opportunity of working with U.S. Congressman Mac Collins in Washington, D.C. It has opened so many doors already and now I know what I want to do after school!

Current Employment:

At the moment I am working at the Visitor’s Center on campus. I get the great opportunity to show off our beautiful campus to prospective students, parents, and other guests of the University. I also staff the Visitor’s Center desk. It’s a wonderful job, because I am able to share my love of the university with so many different people.

Family Ties to UGA:

I am very close to my family and UGA means a lot to us. I am the 4th Izlar and the first female in my family to attend UGA. My great uncle, Dr. William Henry Izlar attended 1921-23 majoring in chemistry. My grandfather, Dr. Durham Wright Izlar attended 1925-1929 graduating with a Juris Doctor from the Lumpkin Law School. My father, Robert Lee Izlar, attended 1967-1972 graduating with bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Daniel B. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. My father is truly the one who paved my way here at the university.

I chose to attend UGA because…

…it has always felt like home, and in my eyes there was never another choice. Ever since I was a little girl attending the football games with my family, there were smiling faces everywhere. That was definitely a determining factor. Other campuses I visited don’t have the welcoming appeal that UGA offers. Also, my programs of study are highly ranked and that was just the icing on the cake to entice me to come to Georgia. Plus, it’s a family tradition!

My favorite things to do on campus are…

…to get a coffee from Jittery Joe’s and then lay out on North Campus. But my favorite thing is definitely cheering on the Bulldogs at different athletic events, especially at Sanford Stadium. There is nothing better than sitting with your friends and other students cheering on the best football team! I get excited just thinking about it!

When I have free time, I like…

…to spend time with my family and friends. My family lives close by and so I am able to go home a lot. One thing I’ve learned while being in college is the importance of family. They were with you in the beginning and they will be with you in the end. I also love hanging out with friends, whether it’s kayaking on the Broad River or just hanging out at someone’s apartment watching T.V. I’m cherishing my last few months here with them, because after graduation I know we will not have the opportunities to be together that we have now.

The craziest thing I’ve done is…

…leave for a summer to live in a big city, Washington, D.C., where I wouldn’t see my family or friends for 3 months and didn’t really know anyone. It ended up being the best summer of my life. I met so many amazing people and formed many great friendships.

My favorite place to study is…

…the Law Library. It is an undergraduate’s hidden secret. It is so quiet, so don’t go thinking you can talk like you can at the SLC. It’s serious business in there! It helps me to stay focused, because everyone else is.

My favorite professor is…

…Ann Hollifield. I had her for a telecommunications class. She always has a positive attitude, but most of all she presented the class in real world terms. She started to prepare me for how it was going to be once I was outside the comfort of Athens.

If I could share an afternoon with anyone, I would love to share it with…

…my namesake, Dean William Tate. I have heard to many stories from my family and others who knew him, and he was truly an extraordinary man. I’m sure there is so much that I could learn from someone who has left such a lasting impression on the university. He must have done something right to get a building named after him!

If money was not a consideration, I would love to…

…travel the world. There is so much left in this world that I would love to see and do. I spent time working in Ecuador and loved the positive impact that I was able to leave. So, I would love the opportunity to be able to continue that.

After graduation, I plan to…

…pursue a master’s degree in Public Administration or go back to Washington, D.C. and work for a member of Congress. My ultimate goal is to be a lobbyist, then a political analyst for FOX News or CNN.

The one UGA experience I will always remember will be…

…standing in Sanford Stadium singing the Alma Mater with students, faculty and alumni. It’s a song that has withstood generations and whose words are just as strong today as they were yesterday and will be tomorrow.

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