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James B. Kau, received the 2010 Graaskamp Award


James B. Kau, a professor and real estate journal editor in the Terry College of Business, received the 2010 Graaskamp Award.
James Kau

The award is given by the American Real Estate Society, an association of academicians and professionals who are dedicated to producing and disseminating research related to real estate markets and disseminating that research through the five scholarly journals it publishes. Kau’s award was presented April 15 at the society’s annual meeting in Naples, Fla.

The Graaskamp Award recognizes “extraordinary iconoclastic thought or action throughout a person’s career in the development of a multi-disciplinary philosophy of real estate,” according to the ARES. Specifically, it is given to a person who brings a research perspective that “breaks significantly from what was widely accepted or done previously in the real estate discipline.”


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