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Law prof’s books translated globally

Law prof’s books translated globally

Alan Watson, distinguished research professor and Ernest P. Rogers chair of law at the University of Georgia, proves the language of law is universal.

A prolific author, Watson has had several of his books published in foreign languages, with three more titles currently undergoing translation. Legal Transplants is available in Italian, Chinese and Serbian. The Making of the Civil Law has been reprinted in Chinese. Two titles, Jesus and the Law and The Trial of Jesus, are currently being translated into Serbian, and Roman Law and Comparative Law will soon be released in Japanese.

“It is extremely unusual for legal texts to be translated into a foreign language,” Watson said. “However I am honored that my works can be utilized by so many.”

Watson, one of the world’s foremost authorities on Roman law, comparative law, legal history, and law and religion, has mastered more than a dozen languages and has authored nearly 150 books and articles. A highly regarded lecturer, he regularly visits leading universities in the United States and such countries as Italy, Holland, Germany, France, Poland, South Africa, Israel and Yugoslavia.

In honor of his worldwide scholarship, the University of Belgrade presented Watson with an honorary doctorate degree in February. Recipients of this degree require a two-thirds positive vote by faculty of the institution. Notably, Watson received a unanimous vote of approval.

In addition to this latest academic honor, he has also been presented three honorary degrees from the universities of Pretoria and Glasgow. Watson holds seven traditional degrees from the universities of Oxford, Glasgow and Edinburgh.


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