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New faculty hires

The University System of Georgia Board of Regents approved 13 new faculty hires at its January meeting. New faculty, their job titles, and departments are:

June Griffin, temporary assistant professor, English; Andrea Hernan­dez, public service assistant, Fanning Institute; Erik H. Hofmeister, instructor, small animal medicine; Leslie Patrick Jones, senior research scientist, medical microbiology and parasitology; Amie Koenig, assistant professor, small animal medicine; Jonathan Kujawa, temporary assistant professor, mathematics; Thomas M. Lawrence, temporary assistant professor, biological and agricultural engineering; Guojun Li, temporary ­professor, biochemistry; Rebecca L. Macon, registrar, registrar’s office; Christof D. Meile, assistant professor, marine science; Sandra Ruthven Murphy, instructor, social work; ­Richard L. Porterfield, dean/professor, forest resources; and David T. Smith, temporary associate ­professor, law.

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