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NRC program director to speak April 27

Leading education research and policy analyst Michael Feuer, a program director with the National Research Council in Washington, D.C., will speak on national educational policy issues April 27 in the College of Education.

Feuer, executive director of Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, will speak about which national educational policy issues are likely to shape the research agenda in education for the next 10 years in his presentation at 10:30 a.m. in Room G-23 in Aderhold Hall. He will respond to questions and continue the discussion with interested faculty over lunch from noon to 1:30 p.m. To RSVP for lunch, contact Sandy Smith at

The DBASSE, one of six major units within the NRC, conducts studies and other activities covering a broad range of issues in human development, criminal justice, demography, decision making, statistics, governance, economic welfare and education. The DBASSE has a staff of about 100, many of whom hold advanced degrees, an annual budget of roughly $20 million and an advisory board of distinguished scholars that helps identify research and researchers relevant to the review of studies and overall intellectual and procedural guidance.

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