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Proposal window open for 2023 Presidential Interdisciplinary Seed Grant Program

(UGA File Photo)

The Office of Research and the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach are now accepting proposals for the 2023 Presidential Interdisciplinary Seed Grant Program.

This year’s program has two tracks: the New Frontiers Track and the Cluster Engagement Track. The New Frontiers Track will consist of interdisciplinary team proposals that feature early-stage exploration addressing grand challenges at the community, state, national or global level. The awards may provide up to $60,000 in funding.

Successful proposals will include compelling evidence of transformative potential and plans for early engagement with user communities.

The Cluster Engagement Track will address one or more themes from the 10 interdisciplinary clusters of the Presidential Interdisciplinary Faculty Hiring Initiative in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Awards for this track will range from $60,000 to $150,000 per grant proposal.

Successful seed projects will lay the foundation for creation of an ecosystem connecting research, innovation, entrepreneurship and partnerships with communities. Proposals will be measured based on their fusion of data science and AI in crosscutting areas to address a significant challenge.

For questions regarding the focus tracks, contact Paul Brooks in Public Service and Outreach ( or Larry Hornak in the Office of Research (

Faculty are eligible to participate in more than one application this funding cycle provided that each application is for a distinct project. However, faculty may serve as PI on only one proposal.

Teams must submit their letter of intent by Aug. 14 via Infoready. Only teams that have submitted an LOI will be invited to submit a proposal by 5 p.m. on Sept. 29.

For any questions regarding the program, contact

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