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Recycle grass clippings

Bagged grass clippings can be put to use in your yard in an environmentally friendly method of organic gardening known as “grasscycling.”

Leaving the clippings on the lawn allows them to act as mulch for the grass plants and helps conserve water. Also, as the grass clippings decompose, they add valuable nutrients back to the soil.

Grasscycling also cuts down on lawn care time and saves landfill space. During spring and summer months, bagged lawn clippings increase solid waste 20 to 30 percent. Raking and bagging also takes time. It is estimated that after six months of grasscycling, homeowners save seven hours of time doing lawn maintenance.

To get the most benefits from grasscycling, mow your grass at the right height. Mowing too short can scalp the grass, putting it into a state of shock that may make it more susceptible to pests. Leaving the grass too high can cause it to take longer to dry out after rain or watering, which also creates a potential environment for pests.

The perfect scenario is to remove one-third of the grass height. For example, to achieve tall fescue grass that is 2-inches-high, mow the grass when it is 3 inches tall.

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