For the 2005-06 academic year, the regents approved single-digit tuition increases for the University System of Georgia’s 34 public colleges and universities. Undergraduate, resident tuition at the university system’s four research universities-including UGA-will increase by $135 per semester; tuition at the regional and state universities by $58 per semester; and tuition at the two-year colleges by $37 per semester.
The increases reflect a three-pronged tuition strategy put forward by the chancellor and senior USG officials for 2005-2006. The strategy aims to increase the number of full-time faculty among all three sectors of the university system. In addition, the strategy includes:
- promoting admissions access and keeping tuition low to ensure affordability at the two-year colleges;
- helping the system’s regional and state universities remain competitive regionally; and
- fostering national competitiveness at the system’s four research universities.
During the 2005-2006 academic year, tuition will generate approximately $43.6 million in revenue-based on actual enrollment-to meet these goals.
“We pressed hard to keep tuition well below the double-digit mark, and our funding partners helped us achieve that goal,” says Chancellor Thomas C. Meredith. “The governor and the General Assembly responded to our needs by fully funding the enrollment growth formula and that allowed us to alleviate the impact of the tuition increase. We are grateful the state’s tax revenues are rebounding, and for the support we are receiving as those additional funds are redirected to higher education.”