Athens, Ga. – Walter Parker, a professor of social studies education and political science at the University of Washington in Seattle, will be the inaugural speaker for the Mary Hepburn Lecture in Social Studies Education at the University of Georgia on Thursday, Oct. 23.
Parker, whose research focuses on K-12 social studies curriculum, instruction and classroom practices, will deliver the Hepburn Lecture titled, ‘International Education’ in Public Schools: Business as Usual or New Openings for Global Citizenship, at the Georgia Museum of Art auditorium at 5:30 p.m.
He will also deliver the keynote address titled, Classroom Discussion and Curriculum Coverage: Two for the Price of One, at the Georgia Council for Social Studies Conference at the Classic Center (Athena Rooms F-J) in downtown Athens, from 9:15-10 a.m. on Oct. 24.
Parker’s current research projects include developing and testing an alternative advanced placement government course, teaching elementary and middle school children to write original biographies of great thinkers and investigating the new global education movement in public schools. He has published several books including Renewing the Social Studies Curriculum and Social Studies in Elementary Education. His popular articles include “Pledging Allegiance” and “Educating World Citizens.”
The Mary Hepburn Lectureship Series, sponsored by retired UGA social studies education faculty member Mary Hepburn, aims to encourage thought among teachers and educators concerning current and significant issues in social studies education and classroom instruction.