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UGA Arch to be repainted

Athens, Ga. – The iconic University of Georgia Arch on North Campus will be repainted the week of April 19.

This repainting is more extensive than previous maintenance work on the Arch, and two painters from the UGA Physical Plant will be removing a century’s worth of paint accumulation. They will strip the layers of paint, and then prime and paint the Arch. The process should take approximately one week, according to Tom Satterly, assistant vice president in the Physical Plant.

The new paint will highlight structural details previously covered by at least 10 layers of old paint and will provide many more years of protection to the Arch, said Satterly.

A perimeter will be set up around the maintenance work, and pedestrians will be routed to walk around the Arch with caution tape and orange traffic cones.

The Arch dates to 1875 when it was created by the Athens Foundry out of three lampposts and the top of a boiler—parts the company had on hand. The Arch originally contained the same finials, or ornamental tops, used on the North Campus fence.

The decorative scrollwork on the Arch was added in the 1890s, according to Physical Plant administrators. The globe lights on the Arch were added in approximately 1915, replacing the original finials.

Funding for the Arch maintenance is provided by a specific endowment account, not state funds.

“The Arch really needed to be repainted and it’s advantageous for us to do it now before graduation,” said Satterly.

A popular spot for graduation and other pictures, the Arch should be ready by the end of the day April 23—in plenty of time for May 8 Commencement.

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