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UGA COE recognizes outstanding faculty, top student at annual Spring Celebration

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia College of Education recognized several outstanding faculty members and an Honors student during its annual Spring Celebration held April 28 at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education Conference Center and Hotel.

Ronald Cervero, professor and department head of lifelong education, administration, and policy, received the college’s highest honor when he was named the Aderhold Distinguished Professor for exemplary contributions in teaching, research, and service.

Cervero was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame in 2003 and honored with the Leadership Award from the Association for Continuing Higher Education in 2005. Two of his books, Effective Continuing Education for Professionals and Planning Responsibly for Adult Education: A Guide to Negotiation Power and Interests, are primary resources in adult education.

The Aderhold Distinguished Professor holds the title for one academic year and receives $4,000 in discretionary funds for one year, a one-time cash award, or a combination of the two. Only professors with five years or more on the UGA faculty are eligible.

Other faculty awardees included:

Thomas Hébert, a professor in the department of educational psychology and instructional technology, received the Ira E. Aaron Award for Teaching Excellence and Collegiality. Only full-time tenured faculty members are eligible for this award. The awardee receives a $3,000 instructional grant.

Robert Fecho, an associate professor in the department of language and literacy education, received the Carl Glickman Faculty Fellow Award, which recognizes distinguished accomplishments and potential for future contributions of faculty in fulfilling the mission of the university through teaching, research, and service. Awardees receive a $1,000 cash award and a $2,000 grant for professional development.

Douglas Kleiber, a professor in the department of counseling and human development services, received the Russell H. Yeany Jr. Research Award, which recognizes a tenure-track faculty member’s outstanding cumulative research. It includes a $1,000 cash award and a $2,000 grant for professional development.

Lorenzo Bowman, director of the instructional psychology, training and technology program at the Gwinnett University Center, and Kent Kilpatrick, an instructor in the department of counseling and human development services, received the Donald O. Schneider Award for Mentoring. This award recognizes schools and community-based professionals and non-tenure, career-track faculty engaged in mentoring of graduate or undergraduate students in the college. It includes a $2,000 allowance for professional travel or development.

Cecil Fore III, an associate professor in the department of communication sciences and special education, received the inaugural Faculty Diversity Award. This award recognizes faculty members whose research, teaching, and/or service promotes a more diverse local, university and/or global community. It includes a $1,000 cash award.

Gayle Andrews, an associate professor in the department of elementary and social studies education, and Gwynn Powell, an associate professor in the department of counseling and human development services, received the Faculty Senate D. Keith Osborn Award for Teaching Excellence. Awardees receive a $2,000 instructional grant.

Mary Ann Fitzgerald, an associate professor in the department of educational psychology and instructional technology, and Corey Johnson, an assistant professor in the department of counseling and human development services, received Outstanding Teaching Awards for the university’s Honors Day on April 2.

Rebecca Lohmuller, of the department of communication sciences and special education, received the Outstanding Honors Student in the College of Education Award. The award includes a membership to a professional organization or a journal subscription. Lohmuller was honored at the Honors Banquet on April 2.


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