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UGA College of Environment and Design to present twelve abstracts at national CELA conference

Athens, Ga. – The Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture has accepted a record twelve abstracts from thirteen faculty authors within the University of Georgia College of Environment and Design for presentation at its annual conference this January in Tucson, Ariz. With such a large number of papers on the overall conference program, this means that UGA faculty will be presenting in sessions twice as often as other schools and colleges in attendance.

“As the new dean of the College of Environment and Design, I have been so proud to boast of our landscape architecture programs which are both ranked third in the nation, but to now be notified by CELA that this number of abstracts were accepted – this is truly an awesome accomplishment and speaks volumes about this talented faculty,” said Daniel Nadenicek. “Never in my experience with CELA, or as an educator, have I heard of twelve abstracts coming from one university program – perhaps five or even six, but never twelve.”

In fact, last year’s 2007 CELA conference accepted and hosted six abstracts from the landscape architecture program out of the 161 total academics featured from across the globe. In 2008, there will be a total of 96 abstracts presented by faculty from over 50 institutions, with UGA’s twelve in the mix.

CELA’s membership consists of faculty from national and international institutions with landscape architecture programs who are chosen by invitation and charged with monitoring the content and quality of professional education in landscape architecture, and publishing the highest quality research conducted in the profession through its refereed publications and conferences.

For more information on the College of Environment and Design, see


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