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UGA Mobile App enhances student experience

Over the past year, the Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS) Web and Mobile Technology team has been working to improve the student digital experience. Their efforts include making multiple UGA applications more accessible to students by integrating them into the UGA Mobile App.

The newest improvement to the UGA Mobile App is the integration of eLearning Commons (eLC) to the student schedule view. With this new feature, students will be able to view upcoming assignments, test and quizzes in their schedule.

Students can find the newly integrated eLC assignments feature in the Mobile App by visiting the MyUGA Dashboard in the student view of the mobile app. eLC assignments, quizzes and tests are notated on the “My Week” and “My Day” views with a purple bar. Assignments, quizzes and tests can be viewed in more detail in My Day details.

To ensure all students can view their eLC assignments, quizzes and tests in the mobile app, faculty should make sure their course assignments, quizzes and tests are up to date in the web-based version of eLC.

The eLC integration to the UGA Mobile App is part of a multi-phase improvement plan where the EITS Web and Mobile Technology team has worked to expand the user experience for students, making the UGA Mobile App a one-stop shop to help students increase productivity by streamlining our services.

Additional improvements to the app:

For more information about improvements to the UGA Mobile App, contact David Crouch,

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