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UGA student wins award from Classical Association of the Middle West and South

Athens, Ga. – Alexander Mackintosh, a junior majoring in Latin and classical culture at the University of Georgia, is one of six undergraduate college and university students who has been awarded a Manson A. Stewart Scholarship by the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Two alternates (honorable mentions) were also named.

Each of this year’s winners will receive $1,000 to support his or her study of the classics during the 2007-08 academic year. In addition, each winner and alternate will receive a year’s membership in CAMWS and a year’s subscription to The Classical Journal, a quarterly publication containing a variety of articles on scholarly and pedagogical topics.

CAMWS is an organization of university, college and K-12 teachers of Latin, Greek and all other studies that focus on the world of classical antiquity. Founded in 1905 at the University of Chicago, it is the largest of the regional classical associations, covering 31 states and three Canadian provinces.

Students nominated for the Stewart Scholarship must be current sophomore or junior classics majors at a college or university in the CAMWS area, who plan to take a minimum of two courses in Greek or Latin during the junior or senior year in which the scholarship is held. No department may nominate more than two students for the award each year.

The names of this year’s winners and alternates were announced on April 14 at the CAMWS annual meeting, held in Cincinnati.

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