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University Health Center offers flu prevention and treatment tips

Flu season is upon us. The University Health Center offers some simple steps to keep yourself and the UGA community healthy.

Preventing the flu

Get a flu shot. The best way to prevent the flu is to be immune to the viruses. If you haven’t gotten a flu shot yet, you should still get one.

Practice good hand hygiene by either hand washing with soap and water or by using alcohol-based gels.

Do not touch your face, eyes or mouth unless your hands are clean.

Cover your nose and mouth when ­coughing and sneezing. An uncovered cough or sneeze can project respiratory droplets 3 to 6 feet or more.

Treating the flu

Stay home if you are sick. A good rule of thumb if you have the flu is that you should stay home as long as you have a fever. You can return to school or work if you are fever-free for at least 24 hours without using fever reducing medicines.

Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. Wash your hands after coughing or sneezing.

If you live in a residence hall, consider going to your permanent home until you have recovered.

Take medication to relieve the symptoms of the flu.

Drink plenty of liquids.

Avoid using alcohol and tobacco.


For more information, visit the University Health Center’s influenza website at

Source: University Health Center

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