Amazing Students Profiles

David Carswell

David Carswell

Junior David Carswell enjoys taking what he has learned in the classroom and teaching it to others throughout the UGA and Athens community. He reestablished the Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) organization on campus, which is teaching important concepts through educational outreach projects, including market economics, entrepreneurship, personal and financial success, and business ethics. He has implemented leadership skills that he acquired in the Leonard Leadership Scholars Program to lead SIFE and many other campus organizations.


Marietta, Georgia

High School:

George Walton High Schoo

Degree objective:

B.B.A. in Management

University highlights, achievements, awards and scholarships:

As a UGA Terry College of Business student, I have become very active in business activities. As president of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), I have reestablished the organization on campus and increased membership to thirty-six. We are reaching out into the Athens community, helping low-income citizens file their taxes, helping struggling businesses with their marketing plan, teaching entrepreneurship to children, and in effect changing the lives of thousands. I serve as vice-president of the Business Ventures Association, an entrepreneurial business club in the Terry College. Additionally, this past spring, I was one of thirty students chosen for the 2006 class of the Bebe and Earl Leonard Leadership Scholars program in the UGA Terry College of Business. Through this intensive, 2-year program, I am learning about my leadership skills and abilities.

Additionally, I have tutored at Alps Road Elementary, volunteered for the UGA Relay for Life Finance Committee, served on the Homecoming Committee for Habitat for Humanity, and participated in the American Heart Walk.

Current Employment:

I work for the Georgia Student Finance Commission serving as Student Coordinator of the Peer Financial Counseling Program through the Office of Student Financial Aid. I coordinate a group of fifteen UGA students to present financial management seminars to student organizations and classes on budgeting, credit and debt, student loans, and saving and investing.

One day each week I work as a cashier at the Beechwood Chick-fil-A. I have worked there since May 2004. I chose to work there because I would like an internship at the corporate headquarters next summer. I admire the company for its strong principles and think working in a store will help me more thoroughly understand its operations.

I chose to attend UGA because…

…it has a great reputation for the quality of education it offers. I have always been interested in business, and I knew the Terry College of Business was renowned among business schools.

The craziest thing I’ve done is…

…attempt a jump while skiing last Spring Break in Snowshoe, West Virginia. On the last day, just hours before we were going to leave, I attempted to jump a large hill. I ended up flipping over several times. Because I had trouble moving, the ski patrol loaded me on a backboard and I took me on a 40 minute trip to the hospital by ambulance. Thankfully the x-rays showed I did not break any bones, but I was very sore for several weeks.

My favorite place to study is…

…the Student Learning Center. Studying with others motivates me because I know I am not the only one studying. I also enjoy the atmosphere the SLC offers.

My favorite professor is…

…Vicki Clawson. She taught my ILAD 4100 class. She has a great passion for teaching and makes learning fun. Dr. Clawson has helped me develop my leadership skills and abilities. I have been able to implement what I have learned in her class in several campus organizations.

If I could share an afternoon with anyone, I would love to share it with…

…Chick-fil-A founder and chairman Truett Cathy. He inspires me through his accomplishments and strong morals. I would like to spend the afternoon with him to get some valuable advice that I cannot get from books.

After graduation, I plan to…

…work in the Atlanta area and return to school after a few years to purse an MBA.

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