Campus News

Rogers named associate director of the Honors Program and CURO

Martin Rogers

Athens, Ga. – Martin Rogers, who has served as assistant director of the University of Georgia Honors Program, was promoted to associate director of the Honors Program and the Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities, or CURO, effective Aug. 1.

The appointment was announced by David S. Williams, associate provost and director of the Honors Program, to whom Rogers will continue to report.

“Dr. Rogers has done exceptional work in coordinating academic advising and curriculum for the Honors Program for the past several years, and I am pleased that he not only will continue in these roles, but also now will oversee the daily operations of CURO, which has such importance to the institution at large,” said Williams.

CURO offers a range of support to both students and faculty with regard to undergraduate research at UGA. While CURO is administered by the Honors Program, it is open for participation to all undergraduates at the institution. Through CURO, any undergraduate can engage in faculty-mentored research, without regard to discipline, major or grade point average.

“One of my goals is to show our undergraduates that there are no barriers, institutional or cultural, to keep them from thriving in the research environment at UGA,” said Rogers. “They have chosen UGA, in part, because of its fine reputation as a research university, but they need not wait until graduation before they can contribute to that reputation. Our students can begin a kind of learning that is, in most institutions, limited to graduate students or research professionals. Such an advantage cannot only improve the GPA of our students, but also enrich their entire undergraduate experience.”

Originally from Marlton, N.J., Rogers earned a bachelor’s degree in 1998 from Rowan University in Glassboro, N.J., and master’s and doctoral degrees from UGA in 2001 and 2010, respectively. He has been affiliated with the institution as an instructor, academic adviser and administrator since 2006.

For more information on CURO, see


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