
Groundbreaking for the Paul D. Coverdell Center

Groundbreaking of the Paul D. Coverdell Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences at UGA begins with a 1:30 p.m. program in Mahler Auditorium at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education on Wednesday, Jan. 22. Weather permitting, a brief ceremonial turning of earth will be held at the building site near the intersection of D.W. Brooks Drive and Carlton Street. The Coverdell Center will be the signature component of UGA’s burgeoning initiative for research, education and the creation of technology in biomedicine, health and life sciences. Speakers include Gov. Sonny Perdue, Sen. Zell Miller, former Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas, UGA President Michael F. Adams and Steve Wrigley, UGA senior vice president for external affairs. Images of the building are available at www.photo.alumni.uga.edu. For more information, contact Chuck Toney at (706) 542-8090 or ctoney@uga.edu.