Campus News

2021 Postdoctoral Research Awards

(Photo by Andrew Davis Tucker/UGA)

2021 Postdoctoral Research Award Recipients

Created in 2011, these awards recognize the remarkable contributions of postdoctoral research scholars to the UGA research enterprise. The UGA Research Foundation funds up to two awards a year to current scholars.

Tobias Brett, postdoctoral researcher in the Odum School of Ecology and the Center for the Ecology of Infectious Diseases, develops new approaches for predicting and mitigating threats from emerging infectious diseases. He designed a detection algorithm that combines early-warning signals into a single measure of emergence risk, successfully applying it to four emerging disease outbreaks, and developed a model of SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics that demonstrated the infeasibility of achieving herd immunity by allowing the virus to spread, producing a paper that was downloaded 80,000 times in about six months.

Evin Winkelman Richardson, postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Human Development and Family Science, focuses on the study of family systems and resilience within high-stress contexts, with a particular focus on interparental relationships within foster and military families. She is co-principal investigator on a five-year, $6.2 million grant project that will study nearly 2,300 at-risk, distressed couples across Georgia, and she has co-authored 11 publications since becoming a postdoctoral research associate in August 2017.