Joe D. Whitley, the former general counsel for the Department of Homeland Security will deliver the 2010 Susette M. Talarico Lecture. Whitley’s remarks, entitled “Protecting America: One Day at a Time” will be given in the Larry Walker Room in Dean Rusk Hall at 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 1. Open free to the public, the lecture is co-sponsored by the School of Public and International Affairs’ department of political science and the criminal justice studies program.
Whitley, a native of Georgia, received his A.B. in political science and J.D. from UGA in 1972 and 1975, respectively. He began his legal career in private practice in Columbus and later entered public service, as assistant district attorney. In a wide-ranging career in the Department of Justice, Whitley served under three U.S. presidents and five U.S. attorneys general.
The Talarico lecture honors longtime UGA professor Susette Talarico, who died in 2007.