Campus News

New app encourages recycling

UGA researchers have developed a mobile app to help people find recycling bins closest to them in town.

Built by engineers in UGA’s College of Agricultural and ­Environmental Sciences, ­WeRecycle is an application that connects to Google maps and shows a circumference around the user providing step-by-step directions to the nearest recycling bin or trash can. The community-based map began with the mapping of trash cans and recycle bins on the UGA campus. Other communities can download the app and log their own cities.

Communities can register with We­Recycle and share recycling and trash can locations. If communities have the information it can be imported into the app. WeRecycle can share the information in a format that can be incorporated into city maps. Citizens also can communicate their recycling needs.
Event planners can register with WeRecycle and map the locations of temporary bins for events. Planners also can receive instant feedback from attendees, letting them know if the bins are located in the best areas.

Recycling efforts will eventually be posted on the WeRecycle website at

WeRecycle was created as a part of a research project funded by the Environmental Research and Education Foundation and supports the EPA’s Recycling on the Go Initiative.

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