Campus News

Diversity workshop

The National Coalition Building Institute affiliate team at UGA will host a “Train the Trainer Workshop” March 22-24. NCBI at UGA is an organization of faculty, staff and students who facilitate prejudice reduction workshops for the university community under the auspices of the Office of Institutional Diversity.

The “Train the Trainer Workshop” will lead participants through the NCBI model as it prepares and certifies them to facilitate prejudice reduction workshops. Upon completion of “Train the Trainer,” participants will become members of the NCBI team at UGA and engage in workshop facilitation.

Those interested in learning more about NCBI and the “Train the Trainer Workshop” should come to one of two information sessions on Feb. 20 or March 7 from noon to 1 p.m. Both sessions will be held in 142 Tate Student Center. For more information, contact Shirley Reyes in OID by email at or by phone at 706-583-8195.