Carl F. Jordan, a senior research scientist emeritus in the Odum School of Ecology, will present a seminar on his new book, An Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Agriculture: Energy Use Efficiency in the American South, Nov. 12 at 4 p.m. in the ecology auditorium.
Following his talk, Jordan will be joined by three of his former graduate students-Robert Buschbacher, an associate in tropical forestry in the Amazon Conservation Leadership Initiative at the University of Florida; Krista Jacobsen, an assistant professor in the College of Agriculture at the University of Kentucky; and Justin Ellis, executive director of the Soque River Watershed Association in Clarkesville-for a conversation about the major themes he and his students have explored, and continue to explore, over the course of his career.
A reception will follow the discussion at 6 p.m. in the ecology lobby.