The University of Georgia has approved the promotion of 166 faculty members. Those receiving a promotion are:
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
To Professor: Nicholas Fuhrman, agricultural leadership, education and communication; Dennis Hancock, crop and soil sciences; Gerald Henry, crop and soil sciences; Pingsheng Ji, plant pathology; and Zenglu Li, crop and soil sciences.
To Associate Professor: Koushik Adhikari, food science and technology; Woo Kyun Kim, poultry science; and John Snider, crop and soil sciences.
To Senior Public Service Associate: Rebecca Thomas, Northwest District Cooperative Extension, and Jennifer Hubbard, Southwest District Cooperative Extension.
To Public Service Associate: Dana Lynch, Northeast District Cooperative Extension; Vonsuela Baker, Northwest District Cooperative Extension; Paula Burke, Northwest District Cooperative Extension; Brian Hayes, Southwest District Cooperative Extension; Carole Knight, Southeast District Cooperative Extension; Joseph LaForest, Entomology Cooperative Extension; Crystal Perry, Southwest District Cooperative Extension; Lucy Ray, Northeast District Cooperative Extension; Justin Shealey, Southwest District Cooperative Extension; Patricia West, Southeast District Cooperative Extension; and Janet Woodard, Northeast District Cooperative Extension.
To Public Service Assistant: Megan Bailey, Northwest District Cooperative Extension; Caitlin Bennett, Northeast District Cooperative Extension; Bonnie Boone, Southwest District Cooperative Extension; Franklin Jackson, Northeast District Cooperative Extension; Heather Kolich, Northwest District Cooperative Extension; Jacqueline Nunn, Southeast District Cooperative Extension; Dinah Rowe, Northwest District Cooperative Extension; and Kelli Salmon, Northwest District Cooperative Extension.
College of Education
To Professor: Jolie Daigle, counseling and human development services.
To Associate Professor: Jennifer Brown, communication sciences and special education; Daniel Capps, mathematics and science education; and Nathan Jenkins, kinesiology.
To Clinical Professor: Earl Cooper, kinesiology; Janna Dresden, educational theory and practice; Allison Nealy, communication sciences and special education; and Carol Raymond, communication sciences and special education.
To Clinical Associate Professor: Sara Kajder, language and literacy education; and Petros Panaou, language and literacy education.
To Senior Lecturer: Mara McCrary, mathematics and science education.
College of Engineering
To Associate Professor: Mi Chorzepa, engineering; Javad Mohammadpour Velni, engineering; Xianqiao Wang, engineering; and Clifton Woodson, engineering.
To Senior Lecturer: Peter Carnell, engineering, and Siddharth Savadatti, engineering.
College of Environment and Design
To Associate Professor: Rosanna Rivero, environment and design, and Alison Smith, environment and design.
College of Family and Consumer Sciences
To Professor: Swarnankur Chatterjee, financial planning, housing and consumer economics; Steven Kogan, human development and family science; and Katalin Medvedev, textiles, merchandising and interiors.
To Associate Professor: Sophia Anong, financial planning, housing and consumer economics, and Assaf Oshri, human development and family science.
To Clinical Associate Professor: Carol Laws, Institute on Human Development and Disability.
To Senior Public Service Associate: Karen Tinsley, family planning, housing and consumer economics.
To Public Service Associate: Doug Crandell, family and consumer sciences.
College of Pharmacy
To Professor: Somanath Shenoy, clinical and administrative pharmacy, and Yujun Zheng, pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences.
To Associate Professor: Arthur Roberts, pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences.
To Clinical Associate Professor: Trisha Branan, clinical and administrative pharmacy.
To Senior Academic Professional: Michael Fulford, pharmacy.
College of Public Health
To Associate Professor: Xiaozhong Yu, environmental health science.
To Senior Lecturer: Kyle Turner, epidemiology and biostatistics.
College of Veterinary Medicine
To Professor: Roy Berghaus, population health; Robert Hogan, veterinary biosciences and diagnostic imaging; John Peroni, large animal medicine; Jane Quandt, small animal medicine and surgery; and Moges Woldemariam, pathology.
To Associate Professor: Samuel Franklin, small animal medicine and surgery; Balazs Rada, infectious diseases; Scott Secrest, veterinary biosciences and diagnostic imaging; and James Stanton, pathology.
To Clinical Associate Professor: Gregg Rapoport, small animal medicine and surgery.
Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
To Professor: Ibigbolade Simon Aderibigbe, religion; Wayne Coppins, religion; Gary Douberly, chemistry; David Gay, mathematics; Daniel Hall, statistics; Anna Karls, microbiology; Jason Locklin, chemistry; Tricia Lootens, English; Abhyuday Mandal, statistics; Christof Meile, marine sciences; Cheolwoo Park, statistics; Robert Sabatini, biochemistry and molecular biology; Walter Schmidt, biochemistry and molecular biology; Richard Steet, biochemistry and molecular biology; Michael Usher, mathematics; Lianchun Wang, biochemistry and molecular biology; and Wenxuan Zhong, statistics.
To Associate Professor: Mark Abbe, Lamar Dodd School of Art; Jill Anderson, genetics; Jason Burnett, Hugh Hodgson School of Music; Jonathan Eggenschwiler, genetics; Brian Haas, psychology; Jaclyn Hartenberger, Hugh Hodgson School of Music; Moon Jung Jang, Lamar Dodd School of Art; Pengsheng Ji, statistics; Chang Khang, plant biology; Casie LeGette, English; Patricia Medeiros, marine sciences; Laurie Reitsema, anthropology; Daniel Rood, history; Emily Sahakian, theatre and film studies; Michelle vanDellen, psychology; and Brian Wesolowski, Hugh Hodgson School of Music.
To Senior Lecturer: Danielle Bray, English; Perry Buffington, psychology; Kara Dyckman, psychology; Andrei Galiautdinov, physics and astronomy; Emily Gertsch, Hugh Hodgson School of Music; Olga Thomason, Germanic and Slavic studies; and Eileen Wallace, Lamar Dodd School of Art.
To Senior Academic Professional: Brigitte Bruns, plant biology; Khedija Gadhoum, Romance languages; and Daphne Norton, chemistry.
To Senior Research Scientist: Stephane Benoit, microbiology.
To Associate Research Scientist: Gerrit Schut, biochemistry and molecular biology.
Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication
To Professor: Yan Jin, advertising and public relations, and Maria Len-Rios, advertising and public relations.
School of Law
To Associate Professor: Nathan Chapman, School of Law.
School of Public and International Affairs
To Professor: Cas Mudde, international affairs.
To Associate Professor: Chad Clay, international affairs; Daniel Hill, international affairs; and Temirlan Moldogaziev, public administration and policy.
School of Social Work
To Associate Professor: Orion Mowbray, School of Social Work, and Michael Robinson, School of Social Work.
Terry College of Business
To Professor: David Eckles, insurance, legal studies and real estate; Stuart Gillan, finance; Jacqueline Hammersley, J.M. Tull School of Accounting; and Michael Pfarrer, management.
To Associate Professor: Robert Resutek, J.M. Tull School of Accounting; Meghan Skira, economics; and Erin Towery, J.M. Tull School of Accounting.
To Senior Lecturer: Jason Matthews, J.M. Tull School of Accounting; Sara McManus, marketing; and David Sutherland, management information systems.
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
To Professor: Robert Bringolf, forestry and natural resources, and Kamal Gandhi, forestry and natural resources.
To Associate Professor: James Beasley, Forestry and Natural Resources; Richard Chandler, Forestry and Natural Resources; Joseph Dahlen, Forestry and Natural Resources; Puneet Dwivedi, Forestry and Natural Resources; and James Martin, Forestry and Natural Resources.
To Adjunct Associate Professor: Brian Irwin, Forestry and Natural Resources, and Clinton Moore, Forestry and Natural Resources.
To Senior Research Scientist: Dehai Zhao, Forestry and Natural Resources.
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
To Librarian II: Steven Armour, libraries; Sarah Causey, libraries; Lindsey Reynolds, libraries; and MacKenzie Smith, libraries.
To Librarian III: Meagan Duever, libraries.
To Librarian IV: Amber Prentiss, libraries, and Ian Thomas, libraries.
Vice President for Public Service and Outreach
To Senior Public Service Associate: Kyle Hensel, Small Business Development Center, and Paula Sanford, Carl Vinson Institute of Government.
To Public Service Associate: Shana Jones, Carl Vinson Institute of Government; Mary Marlowe, Carl Vinson Institute of Government; Mara Shaw, Carl Vinson Institute of Government; Kris Sikes, Carl Vinson Institute of Government; Lori Tiller, J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development; and Brandy Walker, J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development.
Vice President for Research
To Senior Research Scientist: Kazuhiro Aoki, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center; Randolph Culp, Center for Applied Isotope Studies; and Robert Speakman, Center for Applied Isotope Studies.
To Associate Research Scientist: Maria Pena, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center.
Source: Office of Faculty Affairs