Campus News Health & Wellness

Returning for spring semester

Vaccines, face masks strongly encouraged for faculty, staff and students

Faculty, staff and students are returning to campus at a time when cases of COVID are once again on the rise in the local community, state, nation and world.

The Omicron variant is highly transmissible, rapidly overtaking the Delta variant as the dominant strain of the virus in the United States over the holiday season.


Those who have not yet been vaccinated are strongly encouraged to do so. Data clearly demonstrate that vaccinations and boosters provide our best defense against COVID variants. Although break-through cases are possible, the risk of severe illness is significantly lower among those who have been fully vaccinated and boostered. The University Health Center offers first, second and booster doses of the Pfizer vaccine free of charge to faculty, staff, students and their eligible dependents aged 16 and up. To date, the UHC has provided more than 32,000 COVID vaccinations.

As of Jan. 4, faculty and staff who would like to schedule a COVID vaccine appointment at the University Health Center may do so by calling 706-542-5575. Students may continue to schedule their COVID vaccine appointments online through the Patient Portal. While supplies last, those getting a vaccine can also receive a $20 gift card following vaccination.

Surveillance testing

Surveillance testing remains an important step in the defense against infection. The University Health Center and Veterinary Diagnostic Labs are equipped to test up to 800 people per day for COVID variants. These tests are free to faculty, staff and students. Click here to schedule an appointment. Walk-ups are also welcome. Over the next three weeks, testing will be expanded through pop-up locations at the Tate Student Center offered by the College of Public Health on January 11, 13, 18, 20, 25 and 27 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Remember that any faculty, staff or student who tests positive for COVID is required to report that positive test through DawgCheck and to follow the advice provided. Typically, a positive test will require a period of isolation, depending on the test results. Quarantining also applies to unvaccinated individuals who are identified to have been in close contact with an infected individual. The Georgia Department of Public Health recently changed its protocols on quarantine and isolation to reflect CDC guidance, and UGA is now following the new guidance. Click here to see the latest information.

Face masks

Faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to wear face masks when inside campus buildings. Face coverings are required on Campus Transit buses in accordance with federal transportation rules. The university has approximately 45,000 KN95 masks in stock for distribution. Departments interested in having masks on hand can order them at no cost through UGAmart. Students can pick up masks at information desks in the Tate Student Center and the Miller Learning Center, while supplies last.

Cleaning and disinfection

The Facilities Management Division will continue to follow the special cleaning and disinfection protocols that have served the UGA community so effectively over the past two years. In addition, FMD will continue to re-stock and supply the existing hand sanitizing stations and wipes for individual use in offices, breakrooms and classrooms. Information on cleaning frequency and protocol, sanitizing stations or wipes, and to request additional cleaning service can be found here. The plexiglass shields installed in classrooms, buses, point-of-sale locations and other settings also will remain. Information on ordering new or replacement shields can be found here.

For the past two years, FMD has been focused on improving ventilation and indoor air quality across campus. This FMD interactive website illustrates the location of buildings with completed, in-progress or in-design HVAC air quality improvement projects. In this academic year alone, more than $7 million in targeted projects to improve HVAC systems across campus is being done, with 16 of 18 HVAC replacement projects already completed. UV total disinfection arrays were installed over Fall Semester in the Miller Learning Center, Caldwell Hall, Tate Student Center, Park Hall, Joe Frank Harris, Bolton and the Main Library. More UV arrays will be installed in Aderhold, Sanford and Boyd Graduate Studies this month. All the work is in accordance with CDC, DPH and HVAC industry standards.

Additional resources

Student Affairs also will continue to hold a stock of beds for potential quarantine and isolation needs by UGA students, and the Student Care and Outreach team stands ready to assist.