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About 2,260 eligible to reveive degrees at UGA commencement ceremonies Dec.19

About 2,260 eligible to receive degrees at UGA commencement ceremonies Dec. 19

Athens, Ga. – About 2,260 University of Georgia students will be eligible to receive degrees at UGA’s fall semester commencement ceremonies Dec. 19 in Stegeman Coliseum.

Some 1,650 seniors will be eligible to participate in the ceremony for undergraduates at 9:30 a.m. Donald Eastman, president of Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fla., will be the speaker. Before going to Eckerd in 2001, Eastman was at UGA for 10 years where he served as vice president for development and university relations and vice president for strategic planning and public affairs.

An estimated 614 candidates for master’s, doctoral and specialist in education degrees are eligible to participate in the graduate ceremony at 2:30 p.m. Harriet Mayor Fulbright, president of the J. William and Harriet Fulbright Center in Arlington, Va., will speak. The widow of the late U.S. Sen. J. William Fulbright, Harriet Fulbright is an educator and arts advocate who lectures worldwide on the importance of international education and collaboration.

The student speaker for the undergraduate ceremony will be Abi Oyegun of Lithonia, who will graduate with degrees in psychology and sociology. Oyegun volunteers with Students Helping Teachers, teaches in UGA’s McPhaul Child Development Center and works with an organization called Invisible Children that helps raise awareness of underprivileged children around the world.

Also during the undergraduate ceremony, nine students will be recognized as First Honor Graduates for having maintained a perfect 4.0 grade point average. They are Katie L. Barter, Peachtree City; Caitlin A. Burns, Duluth; Shannon Chen, Athens; Sarah M. Craig, Lawrenceville; Christina L. Dobbs, Calhoun; Sion Kim, Hartwell; Caryn D. Rosing, Atlanta; Channell V. Singh, Hinesville; and Lauren E. Williams, Athens.

Because Dec. 19 is a Friday, a normal workday, some of the usual parking patterns on South Campus near the coliseum will be adjusted. The South Parking Deck (zone S-11) and Carlton Street Deck (zone S-15) will be open at no charge for visitors and guests attending commencement. The Hoke Smith lot (S-12) will be reserved for handicapped guests with proper handicapped placards. The McPhaul Center lot (S-10) will be reserved for members of the commencement platform party.

Both the undergraduate and graduate commencement ceremonies will be broadcast live on UGA’s cable television station, channel 15 on the Charter cable system, and will be streamed in a webcast accessible via a link on UGA’s Web site home page,

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