Campus News

Alumnus gets Supreme Court clerkship

Alumnus John H. Longwell has been chosen from a pool of hundreds of top-notch law school graduates to clerk for a U.S. Supreme Court justice. His clerkship will begin in October 2005 with Associate Justice Stephen G. Breyer. Only
five UGA alumni have been selected for a U.S. Supreme Court clerkship.

“It [the clerkship] is a great opportunity, and I am very fortunate to have it,” says Longwell, a 1999 School of Law graduate. “With all the excellent candidates, one can’t help but recognize that a lot of luck comes into play.”

Longwell currently specializes in telecommunications and appellate litigation at the Washington, D.C., office of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton and Garrison LLP. He credits former UGA professor Richard Nagareda and current professors Perry Sentell Jr., C. Ronald Ellington and Michael Wells with “vastly enriching” his law school experience.

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