Campus News

Barbara Methvin Lecture set for Oct. 12

The 10th annual Barbara Methvin Lecture will be given at 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 12 in Room 265 of Park Hall by William Boelhower, the Robert Thomas and Rita Wetta Adams Professor of Atlantic and Ethnic Studies Emeritus at Louisiana State University. His topic will be “‘Live or Die’: A Reappraisal of the Slave Narrative.”

Boelhower is the author of “Through a Glass Darkly: Ethnic Semiosis in American Literature (1987)”; “Immigrant Autobiography in the United States (rpt., 2021)”; and most recently, “Atlantic Studies: Prospects and Changes (2019)”. He has also edited many books on ethnic literature, literary theory and transnational literature and served for many years as editor of the journal Atlantic Studies. He has previously taught at the universities of Venice, Padua and Trieste and will join the lecture from his home on the Lido in Venice.

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