Campus News

Benefits open enrollment for 2024 opens Oct. 23

This year’s University System of Georgia (USG) benefits open enrollment will be held Oct. 23 through Nov. 3. Visit the USG Benefits Open Enrollment website to review updates and begin making selections.

Open enrollment happens once a year for eligible faculty and staff to sign up for health insurance and other benefits, adjust their current plans or discontinue coverage.

This is an active enrollment year, which means action is required to ensure that all benefits and associated costs match employee circumstances. Complete 2024 enrollment elections and certifications through OneUSG Connect by navigating to the “Benefits” tab and selecting “Manage My Benefits.” Faculty and staff must certify their tobacco use and working spouse status, if applicable, during the benefits open enrollment period. If action is not taken to complete these certifications, employees will default to the $150 non-refundable monthly surcharge for each item. Log into the OneUSG Connect portal to update that certification status.

Faculty and staff who meet certain eligibility requirements may also voluntarily donate unused sick leave to a Shared Leave Pool for fellow faculty and staff. Benefits open enrollment is the only opportunity to enroll in or make donations to the Shared Sick Leave Pool for 2024.

Benefits open enrollment is also a great time for eligible faculty, staff and retirees to review and update the following information in their OneUSG Connect account:

  • Personal and emergency contact information
  • Voluntary demographic data
  • W-2 consent
  • Direct deposit information

Faculty and staff are encouraged to attend the in-person benefits fair on Oct. 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Mahler Hall​ at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel to meet with vendors and learn about the changes to the benefit plans for 2024. Registration is not required.

  • During the benefits fair, the University Human Resources (UHR) benefits team will conduct open enrollment presentations in Room K on the second floor of the Georgia Center. Presentations will be held at 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.
  • Parking at the event will be extremely limited. Attendees are encouraged to plan ahead and take a UGA bus or carpool. More information on UGA bus routes and stops can be found here.
  • Those planning to attend can add this event to their calendar here.

The UHR benefits team will hold virtual office hours on the following dates and times. Zoom links can be found here.

  • Oct. 25, 3-5 p.m.
  • Oct. 31, 9-11 a.m.
  • Nov. 2, 3-5 p.m.

The UHR benefits team will also be available Oct. 24 in Lab K of the Learning and Development Building at 315 S. Thomas St. to assist employees with making open enrollment elections in their OneUSG Connect – Benefits portal. The team will host sessions from 8-10 a.m. and 3-5 p.m. to offer computer assistance and individualized support. Employees should arrive with the elections they wish to make and know their UGA MyID login information.

USG is also hosting live, virtual presentations regarding 2024 open enrollment. Registration is required. Active employee presentations will be held Oct. 24 and Oct. 31. Registration links can be found on the 2024 Benefits for Active Employees webpage in the “Get Ready To Enroll” box at the top of the page.

The USG open enrollment presentation for retirees will be held Oct. 25. Participants can register for the event here. Medicare open enrollment is available Oct. 15 through Dec. 7. More information can be found here for pre-65 retirees and here for post-65 retirees.

USG would like to remind all faculty and staff that ID cards will be issued for all health care plans. The new ID cards should arrive in the last week of December.

For questions regarding 2024 benefits open enrollment, please contact One USG Connect Benefits at 1-844-587-4236 or University Human Resources at 706-542-2222 or

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