Campus News

CAES professor receives two awards

Casimir Akoh-3-23-09
Casimir Akoh

Casimir C. Akoh, a Distinguished Research Professor of Food Science and Technology in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, received two awards.

The World Academy of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology named him a Fellow/WABAB Academician, with his election by the International Society of Biocatalysis and Biotechnology. Akoh was recognized Sept. 14 for his outstanding and innovative contributions to lipid biotechnology, structured lipids, functional and healthful lipids research at the 11th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology held in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Akoh also received the Alumni Achievement Award from the University of Nigeria Alumni and Friends Association, USA, Sept. 19 in recognition of his scholarly contributions in the fields of food chemistry and food biochemistry at the group’s annual meeting in Chicago. The award honors UNN alumni who have made significant contributions to their profession.

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