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CED Circle Gallery to exhibit photographs of the Altamaha River by James Holland

White ibis

Athens, Ga. – The University of Georgia College of Environment and Design will host an opening reception for the exhibition “Altamaha: The Environmental History of a Great American River” on Sept. 20 from 4:30-6 p.m. in the Circle Gallery, located in the new Jackson Street Building on 285 South Jackson Street.

The exhibition will celebrate the Altamaha, Georgia’s mightiest river, through the photographs of James Holland, who was one of the founders of the Altamaha Riverkeeper in 1999. The exhibition will pair Holland’s photographs with a variety of other materials exploring the cultural and natural history of the river.

During the event, which is free and open to the public, copies of Altamaha: A River and Its Keeper, published by the University of Georgia Press in June 2012, will be available for purchase. The book features 230 of Holland’s photographs, along with essays by Georgia authors Janisse Ray and Dorinda Dallmeyer, a College of Environment and Design faculty member.

The Altamaha exhibition will be on view through Oct. 31st and is open to visitors during UGA working hours. Sponsors include the College of Environment and Design, the Environmental Ethics Certificate Program, Georgia Sea Grant, the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the University of Georgia Press, Georgia Museum of Natural History, the UGA Marine Extension Service, the Georgia River Network and the Altamaha Riverkeeper.

The College of Environment and Design recently moved into a sustainably rehabilitated facility formerly occupied by the school of art. The building is located adjacent to UGA’s North Parking Deck.

The Circle Gallery is open weekdays from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Visitor parking is available in the North Parking Deck. For further information, contact Melissa Tufts, director, Owens Library and Circle Gallery, at 706/542-8292 or

The College of Environment and Design is home to one of the oldest and largest schools of landscape architecture in the U.S. and offers degrees in landscape architecture, historic preservation and environmental planning and design, as well as a certificate in environmental ethics. For more information on the College of Environment and Design, see



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