Campus News

Cabinet approves changes to university’s non-discrimination, anti-harassment policy

The cabinet approved an update to the university’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy at its Sept. 15 meeting. 

The updated policy reflects recommendations from a UGA working group led by Rebecca H. White, dean of the School of Law, and a “Dear Colleague” letter that was issued in April by the U.S. Department of Education to institutions across the country.

While not substantially different, the new policy clarifies aspects of it predecessor. The policy changes, which are effective immediately, mark the first update since January 2009. 

The cabinet also approved the naming of four interior spaces in the Richard B. Russell Building, which  will house the special collections libraries, as well as the naming of the Stacey Ann Boe Equestrian Stall at the Equestrian Complex. The group also approved the ­university’s 2014 holiday calendar.

The new policy makes clear that:

  • All complaints, including those involving students, will be handled by the Equal Opportunity Office
  • It covers sexual violence
  • It covers situations where a person is incapable of giving consent due to the use of drugs, alcohol or an intellectual or other disability
  • It applies to all the university’s programs and educational activities, on and off campus
  • It applies to everyone—employees, students, volunteers and visitors
  • Disclosure of consensual relationships when one party has supervisory power and removal from any decisions involving the subordinate with whom there is a dating or sexual relationship
  • Even when confidentiality is requested, it cannot be guaranteed
  • Within 60 days of the filing of a complaint, the investigating officer will provide notice of the outcome of the investigation or will provide an estimate of the additional time that will be needed
  • If the investigation reveals inappropriate or unprofessional conduct that does not rise to the level of the NDAH policy or the law, the university still may take disciplinary action; and
  • Either party has the right to appeal the investigation’s decision.
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