
Circle Gallery presents Investigations, explorations, findings from the environmental design faculty

Circle Gallery presents Investigations, explorations, findings: environmental design faculty research exhibit

Athens, Ga. – Ten faculty members from the University of Georgia’s School of Environmental Design are sharing their research interests with their colleagues and students in the exhibition Investigations, explorations, findings: environmental design research exhibit.

“It is important for us to build and nurture a culture of research and inquiry at the School of Environmental Design,” said Mary Anne Alabanza Akers, who spearheaded the concept of the exhibition in her role as the future coordinator of the planning program at UGA. “As educators, it is our duty to engage in research to add to the body of knowledge in environmental design, and unless we share this knowledge with our colleagues, students, and more importantly, our community, we do a disservice to our profession.”

The faculty who are showcasing their work are Mary Anne Alabanza Akers (interdisciplinary projects and street vendors in the Philippines), Jose Buitrago (heritage tourism in Puerto Rico, Hurricane Hugo, and the landscape in advertising), Ashley Calabria (hand vs. computer graphics), Marianne Cramer (applied research in Eastwyck Village), Georgia Harrison (regional identity), Cecile Martin (creative work), Ron Sawhill (regional landscape), René D. Shoemaker (design aesthetics of Henri Matisse), David Spooner (spatial emotion), and Amitabh Verma (Jaisalmer, a historic city in India).

The exhibition runs from now through Feb. 2. There will also be a gallery talk with the exhibitors held at 4 p.m. on Feb. 2. The Circle Gallery is located in G14 Caldwell Hall and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday or by appointment.

The exhibition and reception are free and open to the public.

Images are available upon request.

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