Campus News

COE professor organizes events to celebrate poet Edgar Allan Poe

A UGA College of Education professor has organized a slate of events to celebrate the poet Edgar Allan Poe.

“Poe-tober” activities include theater improv, spooky poetry readings and storytelling, a mask-making workshop and Poe-related discussions and a “conspiracy of ravens” Oct. 29 at the annual Wild Rumpus parade.

Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor, a professor in the education college’s language and literacy education department, developed the events and community partnerships after receiving a “Big Read” grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. The grant follows this past spring’s Big Read events celebrating the naturalist and poet Robinson Jeffers.

“Poe-tober” will end Nov. 1 on All Saints’ Day with the Asian-German-American poet and translator Kimiko Hahn.

With the exception of the mask-making workshop on Oct. 12, all events are free. The “Poe-tober” schedule is at