Amazing Students Profiles

Kevin Dious

Kevin Dious

A self-proclaimed “math and science guy,” law student Kevin M. Dious has an unusual academic background for a law student. The management science and engineering major, who graduated from Stanford University in 2004, never planned on following in the footsteps of his father, Georgia
Law alumnus I. Kenneth Dious (J.D.’73), who crossed racial boundaries by becoming the first African-American sole practitioner in Athens, Ga. Although the younger Dious joked that his father “tried to steer [him] toward law school” throughout his childhood, it was an internship in the Government Relations Department of Philips Electronics in Washington, D.C., that finally sold him on a legal career. The position, which focused on the company’s international policy and technology, piqued his interest in intellectual property law. He took the LSAT and, when it came time to choose a law school, Dious said Georgia Law was, hands down, his first choice. The school’s camaraderie was a deciding factor, he said, as was Georgia Law’s attention to diversity. A lover of music (he studied piano for 11
years and violin for seven), Dious would like to incorporate both that knowledge and his technical interests into his career in intellectual property law.


Athens, Ga.

High School:

Clarke Central High School

Degree objective:

Juris Doctor

Other degrees:

B.S., Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University, 2004

Expected graduation:

Spring 2008

University highlights, achievements, awards and scholarships:

I was selected for the Class of 2008 Student Profile for the UGA Law Advocate magazine for the fall 2006 issue. Currently I serve on the executive board for the Davenport-Benham chapter of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA).  Our chapter is one of the largest and most active BLSA chapters in the country.  In addition, I currently serve on the Editorial Board for the University of Georgia School of Law Journal of Intellectual Property Law, one of the most respected intellectual property law journals in the country.  My journal note, entitled Recording Satellite Radio Broadcasts: A Discussion of the Atlantic v. XM Satellite Radio Litigation and Home Recording Rights (subject to change), will be published in the Spring 2007 issue of the journal.  Finally, I have been selected as the Executive Notes Editor for the Journal for 2007-08 academic year.

Current Employment:

I currently work as a law clerk for the Honorable Judge Steve C. Jones, Superior Court judge for the Western Judicial Circuit through the Civil Externship program at the law school.  My primary job duties include researching legal issues, writing legal memorandum advising the judge how to rule on certain legal motions and pending motions and cases, drafting bench briefs to aid the judge in preparation for court, assisting the judge in court, as well as provide other support as necessary.

Thus far, this job was been an invaluable experience. This opportunity has exposed me to various areas of the law, as well as provided me with practical legal experience dealing with complex legal issues under Georgia law. In addition, being a native of Athens area, I have enjoyed learning about the legal issues affecting the Athens community.

Family Ties to UGA:

Unlike most students who attend the University of Georgia, I was born and raised here in Athens, Georgia.  Both of my parents went to school here for their undergraduate career, and my father graduated from law school here as well.  In fact, my father was one of the first African-Americans to try out for the UGA football teams many years ago when the opportunity arose. He carries the same love and passion for UGA athletics as he did back then, which he instilled in me as a young child.  I remember watching UGA football games with my father, as well as coming to Sanford Stadium to play football games on the field as a child during my days with the Athens YMCA.

I chose to attend UGA because…

While I certainly enjoyed my time at Stanford, I have always had a special fondness for the University of Georgia.  Growing up here in Athens and around the university, I have a sincere appreciation for this institution and what it brings to this town, as well as what it means to the state of Georgia.  In my opinion, UGA has always been a source of progressive thinking and a considerate and welcoming atmosphere. The UGA community contributes a great deal to the overall Athens community.  For these and other reasons, I knew that the University of Georgia is where I wanted to receive my post-graduate education.

My favorite things to do on campus are…

…to catch a UGA football game on Saturdays. There is nothing like Saturdays here in the heart of Bulldog country.

When I have free time, I like…

…to watch movies, watch old episodes of the hit show “24,” watch college football games (Saturdays in the fall are definitely better than Sundays), to listen to music, to catch dinner with an old high school friend.

My favorite place to study is…

…my apartment.  It is a nice and quiet place to study, and I am totally free to stretch out, listen to music when I wish, and I just feel completely comfortable there.

My favorite professor is…

While this is certainly a tough choice given the high caliber of faculty at the law school, I would have to say that my favorite professor is Mr. David Shipley.  Professor Shipley is a former dean of the law school, and he teaches Civil Procedure, Administrative Law, Copyright Law, and Remedies.  In addition, Professor Shipley serves as a co-director of the Georgia Law Oxford exchange program, which provides students of both UGA Law and Ohio State University Law School the opportunity to study in Oxford England.

If I could share an afternoon with anyone, I would love to share it with…

…Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was one of the greatest leaders and visionaries of our time.  While I was not alive when Dr. King was, I am directly affected by the legacy that he left.  I am living the elusive “Dream” that he envisioned for America so many years ago.  I would love to have the opportunity to sit down with Dr. King and discuss his life, his motivation, and his views on American back when he was alive as well as today.

After graduation, I plan to…

After graduating from law school, I intend to obtain a master’s degree in computer science and eventually start my own technology and digital media consulting firm.

The one UGA experience I will always remember will be…

…coming to Sanford Stadium to play football games on the field as a child during my days with the Athens YMCA. It was such an incredible experience to be able to play at Sanford Stadium and experience the magic that happens “between the hedges.”

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