Campus News

Division of Academic Enhancement changes name April 16

Effective April 16, the Division of Academic Enhancement will transition to a new name—the Office for Student Success and Achievement (OSSA).

“This transition reflects our strong commitment to fostering a holistic approach to student success and achievement,” said Marisa Pagnattaro, vice president for instruction and senior vice provost for academic planning. “The office will continue to build upon a rich legacy of supporting students’ academic well-being, student learning, community building, and leadership development ensuring that students have the tools, resources, and support needed to excel both inside and outside the classroom.”

The Office for Student Success and Achievement is home to seven federally-funded TRIO programs, UNIV courses, multiple scholars programs, peer education, as well as other student support services.

To learn more about the scope of the Office for Student Success and Achievement, click here.

This name change will more accurately reflect the nature of services offered to campus and establish a departmental name that is more consistent with other peer and University System of Georgia institutions.

Campus partners are invited to a naming reception on April 19 from 3-4 p.m. in the lobby of Milledge Hall.

The Office for Student Success and Achievement can be reached via email at, by phone at 706-542-7575 or by connecting to the office’s new web site (live on April 16) at