Campus News

FACS professor featured in meal preparation story

Elizabeth Andress

Elizabeth Andress

Elizabeth Andress, a food safety specialist and professor in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences’s foods and nutrition department, was recently featured alongside the New York Times’s deputy food editor in a story about cooking as an expression of love.

The article emphasizes meal preparation as a way to help friends through difficult times. The practice, which has long been standard in the South, requires more forethought than purchasing ingredients and preheating the oven. The article asks the reader to consider friends’ needs first, saying that food allergies and personal preference should play a role in dish selection.

Andress adds that freezer-specific packaging is another important detail. To protect from freezer burn, she suggests consulting the ingredient-specific guidelines from the National Center for Home Food Preservation.

Other tips included organizing meal trains, giving useful gift baskets or gifting food delivery services like Instacart, Blue Apron or Uber Eats.