Campus News

FACS Week events will celebrate excellence

FACS Week, the College of Family and Consumer Sciences’ signature event that celebrates communities, academic excellence and the future of families, will run Oct. 17-24.

FACS Week kicks off with a Homecoming tailgate on Oct. 17 and wraps up Oct. 24 with an open house for current and prospective students and their families.

Various events throughout the week, including a women’s leadership panel discussion and a Georgia disability history symposium, will offer opportunities for engagement, and the college also will honor its donors and faculty Oct. 23 at a new event, the Celebrating Excellence luncheon.

“FACS Week is both a celebration of the college as well as an opportunity to learn and look ahead to where the College of Family and Consumer Sciences is going in the future,” said FACS Dean Linda Kirk Fox. “We’re excited about the diversity of events scheduled that mirror the disciplines we cover, from a statewide conference on housing to a women in leadership panel to guest lectures from nationally recognized experts. FACS Week will offer a variety of ways to engage with the college.”

Most events are free and drop-in attendance is welcome with the exception of the Homecoming tailgate and awards luncheon, which require an RSVP. There also is a registration fee for the Oct. 21 Georgia Housing Conference.

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