
Fifth candidate for UGA registrar presents on campus Oct. 14

Athens, Ga. -A fifth candidate for the position of registrar at the University of Georgia will make a public presentation, in addition to meeting with administrators and members of the search committee, on Oct. 14. Jan Hathcote, interim registrar at UGA and associate dean for academic affairs and research in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, will discuss “The Role of the Registrar at a Major Research University and the Vision for the Future” at 10 a.m. in room 481 of the Tate Student Center.

Rebecca Macon served as registrar from 2003 until her retirement in June 2011. Jay Mooney, associate director for student financial aid, chairs the search committee. Following a national search, four candidates for the position visited the campus earlier and met with the search committee.

Hathcote’s résumé can be found on the registrar’s web site at http://www.reg.uga.edu/registrarCandidates.