Campus News

Biochemistry and molecular biology faculty member named first Mudter Professor in Cancer Research

Michael Pierce

J. Michael Pierce, Distinguished Research Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in UGA’s Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, has been named the first George E. and Sarah F. Peters Mudter Professor in Cancer Research.

His appointment is pending approval by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents. With the professorship, Pierce will receive a support account that is determined by a formula generated by the University of Georgia Foundation.

“I am honored and humbled to be the initial recipient of the Mudter Professorship in Cancer Research, and I am totally indebted to my students, associates and colleagues for the accomplishments of my laboratory that led to this recognition,” said Pierce. “My focus on cancer research began with the death of my father from a horribly metastatic cancer just as I was beginning my independent scientific career. I can only hope that some part of our research, and that of my students and collaborators, is ultimately able to have a positive impact on cancer diagnosis and treatment.”

Pierce is also on the faculty of the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center at UGA.

“This is a very prestigious professorship and the individual chosen for it must have an outstanding national and international reputation, with teaching and research of a significant impact,” said Garnett S. Stokes, dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. “Michael Pierce is a marvelous choice as the first Mudter Professor.”

Funds for the professorship were provided by Sarah P. Mudter and her children, Patricia Mudter Hobbs and George E. Mudter.

A native of Oklahoma City, Pierce graduated in 1973 from Oklahoma Baptist University with a major in chemistry and biology. He earned his doctoral degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1980 in biology and served as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley.

Pierce will relinquish his distinguished research professor title when the regents approve his new title.

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