
Free poetry reading at UGA Feb. 21

Free poetry reading at UGA Feb. 21

Athens, Ga. – On Thursday, Feb. 21, beginning at 12:30 p.m., The Georgia Review and the Georgia Poetry Circuit will present a reading by two exciting young poets, Michael Meyerhofer and Kristen Iskandrian. The reading will take place in room 261, Park Hall, on the University of Georgia campus.

Michael Meyerhofer’s first book, Leaving Iowa, won the Liam Rector First Book Award. He is also the author of four chapbooks and recently received the James Wright Poetry Award. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ploughshares, River Styx, North American Review, Arts & Letters, Green Mountains Review, Margie and others. He teaches at Ball State University.

Kristen Iskandrian’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in various online and print journals, most recently in La Petite Zine, Gulf Coast, and American Letters & Commentary. A Ph.D. candidate in English and creative writing at the University of Georgia, she currently is working on her dissertation, a collection of fiction. She also is the graduate assistant at The Georgia Review. Born in Philadelphia, she now lives in Crawford, Georgia.

This reading is an approved blue card event for undergraduates in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, and is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided, and attendees are encouraged to bring a brown-bag lunch if they desire.

For more information, contact David Ingle at 706/542-0397 or ingle.david@gmail.com.

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