
Gender and sexuality expert to discuss “War Over the Future of Same Sex Love”

Gender and sexuality expert to discuss “War Over the Future of Same Sex Love”

Athens, Ga. – Lisa Duggan, professor of gender and sexuality at New York University will present “The End of Marriage: The War Over the Future of Same Sex Love,” on Friday, Sept. 21 at 4 p.m. in 148 of the Student Learning Center. The event is free and open to the public.

The author of Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence and American Modernity (2000), The Incredible Shrinking Public: Sexual Politics and the Decline of Democracy (2002), and The Twilight of Equality?: Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics and the Attack on Democracy (2003), Duggan regularly writes about gay rights for publications like The Nation.

This event is sponsored by the Institute for Women’s Studies and the department of history.

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